Sunday, April 09, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rufus loses to a girl...

Rufus and Molly, one year old spaniel, have met several times on the way out for bio breaks, so we swung by her and her owner's office

Wrestling insued...

and Molly quickly gained the upper hand...

Rufus... Rufus... Rufus... Gotta work on that coordination kiddo...

Rufus tries to make a new friend

Monday saw the arrival of Dixie, a two year old Korgie rescue. Dixie's owner passed away, and the current theory is that she was well socialized to people (she is extremely mellow and friendly), but not to dogs (who she mostly ignores).

Rufus made repeated gallant efforts (including rolling over) to engage her in play, to no avail.

He has vowed to wear her down to the point where she will play with him

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