The adventures of ARR Suppa Duppa Rufus Doofus
Check out all Rufus's videos and pictures here
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rufus learns to share the couch
...but not to like it...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Sad Rufus
I had to fly home this weekend for a funeral, and left Rufus in Kelly's capable care. However, my absence always makes Rufus sad. Cooper did his best to comfort his big brother...
Monday, May 07, 2007
Monkeys in the Grass
Springtime has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest, and Rufus and Cooper took the opportunity to lounge around in the grass in Kelly's back yard last weekend.
However, Cooper quickly grew bored with this and initiated a Mouth Jousting session by trodding on Rufus's head.
Rufus retaliated a bit more quickly than Cooper anticipated, catching him off guard.
However, Cooper recovered quickly and and went on the offensive
Finally, Kelly arrived to distract Cooper and save Rufus's bacon
By this point, Cooper had gotten a bit drowsy anyway
With his nemisis otherwise occupied, Rufus seized the opportunity to crash out again
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Cooper Comes Home
Kelly has been thinking about bringing another dog into her life since Lucky was killed. She has always wanted a Great Dane, and in fact thought Luck was one when she got him (she was working at a large breed rescue at the time). She has been checking out Dane breeders in our area on the net, and came across one who had a two week old litter. She expressed an interest in paying them a visit, and this seemed like a safe thing to do. After all, it would be 6-8 weeks before they will be ready to go to their new homes, and so she would have plenty of time to think about whether she was ready.
Last Sunday, we drove up to visit the breeder in question. When we arrived and walked around the side of his house to his dog pens, the first thing I noticed was a young Dane in a pen with three females. "Uh oh," I thought, "here we go..." We met the three females (one of which is the mother of the litter we can to see), and checked out the puppies (which were little black and white peanuts whose eyes have not even opened yet). Throughout, this little guy followed Kelly around, gnawing on her ankles and generally let it be known that he thought she was pretty neat. Turns out that he was the last unplaced pup from the breeder's last litter. The breeder was anxious to place him, and offered Kelly a deal if she would take him. I personally think this was not even necessary: Kelly was smitten with him from the moment she saw him. To make a long story short, the little guy, who we eventually named Cooper, came home with us that evening to be part of our family. We have now officially crossed the line from pet owning household to menagerie...
Here is Kelly, obviously VERY happy with her decision just before we loaded up into the car to head home.
The next morning, we got up to feed all the "monkeys", and Cooper decided that Rufus's bowl looked much better than his own (even though we put the same food in both).
Rufus continues to be a very gentle big brother to Cooper, and looked a bit perplexed as to what to do as Cooper proceeded to snarf down most of Rufus's breakfast.