Yesterday, Rufus and I went out to visit the Horns and Dillan, their 2 year old female RR. Rufus invited Dillan to play, and she obliged him...
Much chasing and wrestling ensued...
The adventures of ARR Suppa Duppa Rufus Doofus
Check out all Rufus's videos and pictures here
Rufus attended his last session of Puppy I at SeattleDogs last week.
We worked on "sit stay" and "down stay"...
In between, Rufus got to wrestle with his classmates, which he enjoys enormously...
Finally, after paying close attention to his instructor's closing remarks, Rufus received his diploma.
Another visit to the Bergenheim's
Last Sunday, Rufus joined a number of RRs and their owners in the beautiful back yard of Yvonne and Steffan Bergenheim. Larry Seratt was brave enough to show up and introduce Razi to this crew. Dispite our best efforts to distract everyone from Larry's attempt to sneak in the back gate, he and Razi were more or less mobbed as everyone strove to see who the new guy was and what he smelled like...
Razi dealt with all attention fairly well (that is him looking pensive by the gate...)
Rufus and Razi quickly paired off and set to wrestling and playing. Jack, Yvonne's 10-month old male, took a special interest in them both.
Later, Yvonne invited us in to watch "Den Mothers", " a documentary exploring the world of purebred Rhodesian Ridgebacks and the humans who love them". Rufus started out on my side of the counch...
..but eventually took the opportunity to go over and cuddle with Yvonne.
Dixie the Corgy has been extremely shy and introverted around other dogs since she arrived at the office a month or so ago. In the last few days, this has completely turned around, and movies and pics below illustrate the result. Note that happy grin in the last picture...